How can I remove or cancel my account?

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

You can fully delete your account and remove all data by doing the following:

Note that by doing this all your plants and other data will be deleted and there is no way to reverse this. 

  1. Open Planta
  2. Go to the "My Plants" tab
  3. Tap "Settings" (gear at the top right corner)
  4. Go into "Account settings"
  5. At the bottom you'll see an option to delete the account and all data
  6. Remember that there is no way to undo this once you choose to delete all your data, including all your plants
  7. If you still want to delete your account, follow the flow to complete the deletion

When a Planta account is deleted, the data associated with the account are anonymized and all personal data and details are removed from Planta.

Please note that account deletions are permanent and cannot be reversed. When an account is deleted, the complete session history and all saved sessions are deleted. 

You may also request a full account deletion or request that some data is deleted following this link to our support form and filling in your details.

If you are paying for a premium subscription:

All subscriptions and purchases are handled by either your Apple or Google Play account. To manage and cancel subscriptions : Follow this article

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